Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas 2008!

The kids played and played outside after the party in the beautiful falling snow!! They had snowball fights in their dresses and loved every minute of it!

"Santa" came to visit and bring some Christmas cheer. He brought each child a gift and let the magic begin! To see Santa and Christmas in the eyes of a child is the mose precious gift!

There aren't any two sweeter (and messier) kids in this world!! They were enjoying a drumstick that Aunt Jen brought to the party! Yum!!

Hollie, Peyton and Jenny enjoying their friendship!

Friends and family having a nice time at the party in the new place.

Olivia was a shining star in her Christmas program! She loved being in front of the audience.


Kirsten said...

Too fun! Olivia looks beautiful! Such a little star!

all about me said...

I am so glad you have a blog. It is wonderful to see you and your little ones. My blog is

Check it out.